


This Creative Act

This is a pod that asks participants to choose one creative something, a genre, album, creator, film, book, etc etc, that affected them deeply or changed their view of themselves or the world. Everyone is bringing something they are passionate and excited about and we use this as a means to look deeper at creative expression and how important it is to humans and how this reflects a fundamental aspect of our humanity.

Welcome to the Guesthouse

"What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn't make it worse. Not being open about it doesn't make it go away. And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with. Anything untrue isn't there to be lived. People can stand what is true, for they are already enduring it." - Eugene Gendlin

This is the podcast dedicated to the practice of Focusing, the experiential and embodied practice of self-reflection established by Eugene Gendlin & Carl Rogers.

How do we 'know' something before we have words for it? On this pod you will learn how Focusing taps into that bodily knowing and will hear from therapists and practitioners regarding their personal experiences engaging in this life-forward practice.

The Most Interesting Topic in the Room

Published from 2018 to 2020 this is a podcast exploring a wide variety of topics that happened to be the MOST INTERESTING thing on JV's mind. From travel to music to books to the conception of time there should be something anyone can find oh so very INTERESTING. Dig in people!